
Tannery diligence in analysing the future of leather

Innovation, research and looking to the future: three things around which the energy of Conceria del Corso orbits.

Tanning goes back to the primitive world and, together with human beings, it developed over the centuries until today, where artisans – custodians of the ancient savoir-faire – work hard to maintain and strengthen this profession.

For a long time at the centre of environmental issues, the tannery industry has shown itself to be essential in a systemic economy that aims at reaching global objectives in terms of prosperity and balance between humans and nature.

By communicating the values, goals and results of sustainable development, Conceria del Corso shows that it has a strong ethical awareness of, and a great desire for, progression in biosystematic approval.

CDC does constant research on new ways to make tanning processes more sustainable, with methods that not only reduce the environmental impact of those processes, but which optimise the use of resources, and also help minimise waste. Contemporaneously, it dedicates itself to identifying new alternatives for producing leather, seeking innovative and biodegradable materials that can reduce dependency on exhausted resources.

Dedication to the environment includes, also and above all, animal welfare, encouraging ethical treatment and implementing tanning processes that respect the highest standards of animal welfare.

The road of continual improvement that Conceria del Corso has been following for years requires constant commitment and readiness to embrace future challenges.

The ancient art of tanning is a unique heritage for Italy, a richness to be preserved and nurtured from generation to generation. This is the mission of Conceria del Corso: to be the guide along a journey where ethics and innovation combine to preserve an authentic, beautiful and responsible treasure: leather.